Have your ever worked on Thousands of images using Paint, Photoshop, Video editing tool and felt the need to see the thumbnail view as the default view in file open or save as dialog in WinXp.
Believe me there is no shortcut trick. There are few paid program but its not worthwhile to pay for such a program. This utility below is clean. Once you install it on windowsXP, it works like a charm.
After an hour of effort. I was able to find out the solution. This solution is versatile in a way that it will allow you make Folder Detailed view/ Thumbnail view/ List View as default view for open/save dialog in any program.
Default Folder view as Thumbnail View Program Download
You can also use it for setting the position of open/save dialog on the screen.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, November 2, 2009
Updated Version of SEOBook by Aaron Wall
After working in the Internet marketing industry for last six months, I still feel Aaron Wall's SEO Book is still the best book written for an e-commerce company. It not only covers different aspects of Search Engine Optimization but also covers how you should think if you are running an e-commerce company. Feel free to download the copy of the SEOBook.
I'll keep reading the book and keep updating the post. Feel free to leave your comments and enjoy the copy of the book. I hope Aaron doesn't mind as he makes much more money by SEO consulting :)
The best quote from the book so far is:
"Do not let others fool you into thinking you need their help, or that you need to be part of their network to succeed. A few years ago I knew nothing about the web or marketing, was kicked out of the military for using drugs, had few social connections, and had to backdate a credit card to have money to live on. A few years later money is of no concern to me."
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Why you don't need Cable Guy? Set up Cable Connection yourself
Every time we keep hearing the story about: "The Cable Guy" aka "Comcast Guy".
US has 40.2 M cable internet customers like me. Every time the cable guy is supposed to come to connect internet, he ends up ruin ruining our day or at least half a day. If an average person changes 5 cable connection five times in his productive life, It amount to 200M days.
If you put a $ amount to it with a minimum hourly wage: 200*4*8M $ =6.4 Billion $ waste.
I did not realize until yesterday evening. I ordered a internet connection for my new apartment. It got a "Cable Guy Visit" appointment for yesterday(which is 11 days after I moved in).
The guy came, knocked on the door. Without even calling me up, he left. To cut the story short, I got no help from Cable Guy.
I was on call with Customer care from Comcast but it did not help either. I decided DIY approach. Let's understand i
t in steps:
1. Find the place where Comcast has hub for our apartment building.

US has 40.2 M cable internet customers like me. Every time the cable guy is supposed to come to connect internet, he ends up ruin ruining our day or at least half a day. If an average person changes 5 cable connection five times in his productive life, It amount to 200M days.
If you put a $ amount to it with a minimum hourly wage: 200*4*8M $ =6.4 Billion $ waste.
I did not realize until yesterday evening. I ordered a internet connection for my new apartment. It got a "Cable Guy Visit" appointment for yesterday(which is 11 days after I moved in).
The guy came, knocked on the door. Without even calling me up, he left. To cut the story short, I got no help from Cable Guy.
I was on call with Customer care from Comcast but it did not help either. I decided DIY approach. Let's understand i

1. Find the place where Comcast has hub for our apartment building.
2. find the wire that comes your apartment.
3. Peel 1 inch of the wire to copper wire(centre core) of the co-axial cable.
4. Peel of plastic jacket another 1 inch only to the metallic shield.
4. Peel of plastic jacket another 1 inch only to the metallic shield.

5. Heat the metal jacket and put in the connector. If you don't have the connector, there should be extra one lying near that area from prior connection. Just heat the connector, the exsting wire would come out. Once you got the connector and put in your wire. Heat it a little bit so that you wire becomes intact in the socket.
6. Connect the wire to the Comcast hub (metal point, having multiple outlets)
7. Come home, Connect your modem to the cable outlet at home. You can buy Cable Modem from Best buy or WalMart. Motorola Surfboard Modems are pretty standard and cost around $50-70. If you get it from Comcast, they charge you $3/month extra for it.
8. Turn on the modem. You should Online(or Data) light ON ( Stable and not blinking).
9. Call up Technical Support of ISP and Give him HSP MAC ID of your modem. He will associate it with your connection.
10. Restart the modem.
11. Connect your modem and your computer with the ethernet cable.
12. Your should show you connected to Comcast. Download the installer. Install the program. It will walk you through the Registration process.
13. Now you are on the internet.
14. If you want to connect a wireless router, Take out the ethernet cable from your computer and connect it to WAN port in the wireless router.
15. Restart both modem and router again.
16. Wireless connection should be available to your computer.
I hope you enjoy the DIY approach. It saved me another appointment and another five hours away from work.
Feel free to leave comment if you need any help or you like the post.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What does prediction market mean for India
Prediction markets are the most advanced form of Markets in the world. It is an online platform for users to trade on chances of future events.
It is used to predict future events and help in forecasting problems. It started in early 2000's, when people started talking about wisdom of crowds.
It was soon proven that prediction market is the most accurate form of forecasting intrument. In 2004 and 2008 US presidential elections, prediction markets predicted the exact percentage of votes for president. It was a huge success.
The first real money prediction market - indiaPX comes to india very soon. This prediction market will cater to four categories: Politics, Business, Sports and Movies.
The aim of such prediction market is to use the wisdom of crowds to solve nation's forthcoming problems by using the trading data to arrive at statistically significant results. I think, it is a big step towards solving the forecasting problem in India.
It not only tells us about the possiblity of future events but also prepares us for those events before hand.
Let's make our democracy functional by using the prediction market for India.
prediction market indiapx
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Evolution of Markets
Hi All,
First real money prediction market coming soon to india. Check their latest ad:
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Polyester prince - Why ban ?
I do not undestand why do we need to ban a book in the democratic society. The Polyester Prince is a very well written book by Hamish. International media has given it a huge applause.
Even if few facets of one's life are not cleanest ones, it does not make Dhirubhai Ambani anything less than a hero. He has been a hero not only for Reliance, its shareholders but also for the entire nation.
I'm currently writing a casestudy on Reliance and will post it here once its done.
Till then, enjoy reading: The Prince of Polyester (pdf version)
The polyester prince
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Book Publishing - See The CHANGE !!
Machiavelli wrote books on barks of tree in 600AD. The publishing of knowledge continued to innovate. The barks of tree got converted to paper. Paper became the primary agent to transfer knowledge. We have not seen any innovation in the medium for so many centuries.
Is it poised for disruption ??? Are e-books, the next medium of knowledge ??
e-books, the electronic form of rendering book knowledge became popular in late 20th century. Most of the publishing houses still think that the revenue model of hard copy books is the most profitable model. I tend to disagree on that.
Like google, the publishing industry can also move towards the ad-based reveniew model. The e-books can have targeted ads and get the revenues out of it. If the e-books are free, the better the ebook is, more will be its circulation. The more the circulation, the more eye balls an ad gets. Like any content on website, its the content in an e-book.
Ebook can have targetted Ads. A Finance book can have ads from Investment Banks and financial institutions etc. All those Ads can be clickable ads and it can again be a Ads-per-click model.
This will not only make the good content free and widely avalaible but also remove the middlemen from the industry. This will be open sourcing of the content in the publishing industry. The costs of the publishers will go down in publishing the content from the authors.
Today the biggest threat to publishing industry comes not from piracy or used books but from the you-tubing of the content. Most of the big universities have set up their online universities on I-Tunes, YouTube and Open Course Ware formats. Wikipedia is the biggest threat for all the publishers. There is no content which is not available on Wikipedia.
So instead of being shy of technology, the best way is to adopt it to their advantage !!
open source,
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